Porn is not the biggest provider of sex education in the Western World Now there is no doubt that porn can be a great sex aid but there is so much more to sex
For over 30 years I have owned brothels and worked in the adult industry. Sex is definitely something I feel qualified to have an opinion on. The majority of customers we see in brothels are after friction sex. The rubbing of genitals that results in orgasm WOW I mean who wouldn't like that I mean it feels great
But what if there was more to it What is you wanted to get more out of your sexuality What is you wanted to feel more connected or more spiritual or more sacred What is you wanted to get a whole lot more out of your intimacy ?
I feel we are on the cusp of something revolutionary in the field of sex sexuality and intimacy. Many people of all genders are seeking to journey further into their sexuality either with a partner or partners or as a solo journey For so many of us sex has been associated with secrets and shame and we have not had the opportunity to explore out sexual energies in a safe way
Sadly this is a product of our modern day society Many many years ago it was the ancient sex workers who held the key to sexuality There was no shame or stigma. The ancient sex workers guided men past the physical and external nature of their sexuality and assisted them in connecting with their their spirituality After all sex is our greatest power It is the force that creates life. Removing the shame and opening up to pleasure and connection is the birth right of all of us
For those of you who are ready to explore we are linking up with a wide range or sexuality professionals who will be offering services out of club687
To name just a few of the upcoming offerings
embodied dance
embodies sexuality sessions
erotic massage
sexuality counselling
couples workshops
BDSM workshops
kink play parties
and so much more
Should you wish a place to explore - we offer
Room hire by the hour
Dungeon hire by the hour
function rooms for hire
play party space
space available for hire for workshops
If you are looking for a sex worker you can visit our sister site
Our renovations start next week and we cannot wait to be part of your journey

I love hearing you say how much experience you can provide and I'd love to test that with my wife, at your establishment.
I can't help point out, NOT ABOUT YOUR ESTABLISHMENT (I've never been), this has not been my experience in the past with brothels. In fact, I have felt cheated out of my money on every occasion. I would have been better off hooking up with a desperate drunk girl at the bar I just left.
There are probably many who have experienced what I have.
I look forward to you brining the ancient appreciation of sexual pleasure into this century.
Thank you.