So what is a conscious sexuality experience ? - I am so glad you asked Myself and my business partner EJ spent a lot of time discussing this in depth on our latest podcast
We are both pretty passionate about this topic and I really enjoyed making this episode.
Our May training for women who wish to learn how to offer conscious sexuality either personally or professionally is nearly booked out
We are opening up a mixed gender training in August and another woman only event in October.
We are wait listing names so if you would like to be put on a wait list please drop me an email
CLUB 687 will be offering CSE services to clients from mid JULY We are really really excited about this
The price point will be around $550 for a 2 hour session - If this interests you please send me an email It will of course be treated with the utmost confidentiality - I would love to get a feel for interest
In the mean time - enjoy the podcast Just click on the picture